Green, Oolong, Black. Part 1 of 2

The terms green tea, oolong tea and black tea are used to put tea into rough categories, so I am going to define them very basically in this post.

NB In each picture, the cup on the left contains new dry tea leaves, in the centre is the tea itself, and on the right are the same tea leaves after brewing tea (though a smaller quantity as all tea leaves enlarge on brewing).

Green, oolong and black refer to different levels of oxidation. Green tea is not oxidised, oolong tea is partially oxidised and black tea is completely oxidised.

The analogy that I always use (though I didn’t make it up) is that if an apple is cut open, it will begin oxidising and so it will turn brown. The longer the apple is left, the browner it will become. This is basically what happens with oolong and black tea. The leaves are slightly bruised and allowed to oxidise, and so turn browner. Black tea is allowed to completely oxidise, and so the leaves turn black, hence the name. In Chinese, black tea is called red tea ( 紅茶 hóng tsá), because the resulting tea liquid is reddish in colour.

Black Tea
(Chessers Tea’s “Nantou Honey Black Tea”)

Oolong can be lightly or heavily oxidised, depending for how long they are processed. Oxidation is brought to an end by heating the leaves until they reach around 65 degrees celcius (150 Fahrenheit). This is done in China by pan-firing the tea, and in Taiwan, our farmers use oven-like machines or heated tumbling machines (they look a little bit like cement mixers or sort of rotating grills) to control the oxidation. Oolong in Chinese means black dragon (烏龍), as the first oolongs,and other kinds of oolongs than the one below, are black twisted leaves similar in appearence to the black tea above, and therefore look like dragons…

Hight Mountain Oolong
(Chessers Tea’s “Nantou Honey Black Tea”)

Green teas are heated shortly after picking and drying, so that they retain their colour. We can go back to the apple analogy. If apples are cut and then put into an apple pie, they will retain their original white colour because of the heat, and this is what happens with green tea, and why the leaves are still green. In Chinese, green tea, is just green tea “lìu tsá 綠茶”, and both the leaves and the tea are green.

Green tea
(Chessers Tea’s “Nantou Honey Black Tea”)

Tea and Wine

Blog tea wine
The tea on the left appears to be Japanese sencha green tea judging by the size of the cups and the dark green colour of the tea.

To introduce people to the world of fine teas, I have found it useful to show that there are parallels with fine wines.

For example, to describe tea, terms are borrowed from wine production such as terroir.


Terroir is the idea that the place in which something is grown will affect the flavour, alongside factors such as rainfall, sunshine, humidity, altitude, soil, drainage, fog or mist etc.

The farm where our black tea is grown. A lot of mist and dew at over 2000m above sea level.


Different tea growing regions specialise in particular kinds of tea, and the terroir has a strong effect on producing distinctive teas. The Wuyi mountains in China’s eastern Fujian province produce oolongs that have a “rock taste”, and are called rock teas, yan cha, because the tea farms in Wuyi are close to many large natural rock formations that result in a mineral-tasting tea. In Taiwan, mountains over 1000m that range to around 2700m above sea level are home to the world-famous high mountain oolong, gao shan cha. The distinctively fresh, and fragrant taste comes partly from the terroir: fog, a high elevation, rich soil, and plentiful sunshine and rain in Taiwan’s tea farms.

Like wine, tea is often aged. This is to improve or mellow flavours, and fine aged teas can achieve a high price by virtue of their ageing.

During tasting, tea is slurped over the tongue to open all flavours, rather as is done in wine tasting. With years of experience, people develop their palates to discern more and more flavours and complexity in tea. This is usually accompanied by a desire for a more concentrated and intense brew.

A cup of pu’erh, which is Chinese fermented tea. The flavour was very earthy.

As with wine, tasting tea is very often done with great care. Each stage of a sip is important and tea drinkers pay attention to aroma (sometimes using a separate cup to smell from), and the viscosity and taste: whether the tea is more vegetal or earthy, more mineral or sweet, and this can become more detailed for some people who describe which vegetables, and which nuts a tea may be similar to. Traditionally the aftertaste is sometimes more important, to notice for example whether a tea will return a sweet flavour to the mouth after it is swallowed. Unlike wine drinkers, some tea drinkers are also interested in the experience of qi, which when referring to tea is basically a pleasant sensation of energy in the body after drinking tea. Qi is a concept that comes Taoism and Chinese traditional medicine, and refers to the belief in an essential energy in all things in the universe, but that can be experienced and used.

If you are looking for a non-alcoholic alternative, that is delicious and is very interesting, I encourage you to explore premium teas.